


Sunday, October 24, 1999

Military Quiz 4 Answers

Constructed by Brian Yeoh

Q1) Which author wrote Epitoma Reis Militaris (The Epitome of Military Science?)


Q2) Who ran the first Marathon and why?

Pheidippides. To inform the allies.

Q3) After which battle was the Churchill family given their title (and what is their title)?

The Glorious Revolution of 1688, when William of Orange fought James. He was already titled before Blenheim. The original title was earl, but duke is what he became.

Q4) What was Ivan the Terrible's secret band of roving terrorists called?

The opolcheniye. Predecessors of the KGB, GRU, etc.

Q5) How much ammo does a Steyr Scout carry in its magazine?

The Steyr Scout has a 5 round magazine. It's a bolt action sniper rifle.

Q6) What was the rate of fire of an Old Contemptible (what was an Old Contemptible?)

Old Contemptibles were British infantry of the BEF in the Great War. Professional soldiers. They were largely gone through attrition within the first year of the war. ROF. It was in the region of 20 rounds a minute. 3 seconds a round with bolt action rifles is unrivalled.

Q7) In which theatre was 'Canada's Stalingrad' fought?

Italian theatre.

Q8) Which mark of the Ju87 carried 37mm cannon?


Q9) What is the main difference between the OICW and the PAPOP's grenade launchers (What are the OICW and the PAPOP?)

The OICW fires 20mm grenades and the PAPOP fires 35mm grenades. The OICW is the US Army's M16 replacement (still not completed) and the PAPOP is the French Army's FA-MAS replacement.

Q10) Name the village in France where 2Pz SS Das Reich carried out its most well known atrocity.

Ouradour sur-Glane.

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