


Sunday, October 24, 1999

Military Quiz 5

Constructed by Brian Yeoh

Q1) Roughly how much money did Roman legionaries receive as pension after long service?

Q2) What naval battle crushed the Persian plan to conquer Greece, and who devised it?

Q3) What were the Rum Seljuks and who destroyed them?

Q4) What was the first burp gun?

Q5) Which Aegis cruiser was shut down by a divide by zero error?

Q6) What was the first major artillery piece to have a buffer recoil mechanism?

Q7) What is a split trail and what is so important about it?

Q8) Which countries flew the Bf109 in WWII?

Q9) What did British Pathfinder squadrons drop for Bomber Command?

Q10) What are Gee and Oboe?

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